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I have a learning disability and would like to work.

Many of us have a good idea of what we want to do when we leave education and, in most cases, if someone is motivated and determined to put the effort in, they achieve what they want.

For someone with a learning disability, what they would like to do may be unrealistic; but that doesn’t mean that they can’t work in some capacity.

My daughter Rebecca has Cri Du Chat Syndrome, Autism, is deaf and has poor eyesight. This manifests in anxiety, challenging behaviour at times, communication issues, short attention span and extreme vulnerability.

To get some works experience, Rebecca started volunteering at the weekend back in 2015 - 2018 at an equestrian yard on a Saturday poo picking, and helping to feed the horse’s, chickens and rabbits.

When she was doing well at these tasks, we explored how she could be paid for this.

With the help of Access to Work, a government initiative to help those with difficulties get into work, Rebecca was employed for 6 hours on a Saturday supported by a Job Mentor who makes sure she is safe and doing her job properly.

Rebecca has a learning disability and has been working 1 day a week for 5 years. She loves her job and can treat herself with her wages.  She pays for her own Cineworld card and mobile dongle.

Rebecca knows she is going to work and has never complained about this even in the rain, frost or snow.  I never thought that she would be capable of being employed but with the help of a job coach and a company willing to give her a chance this has become possible.

Forever Savvy is happy to help advise on how others with learning disabilities can get a job.  We can also advise other business how to employ a person with a learning disability.

Written by Angie Stokes

November 2022

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