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Work Savvy

Supported Employment

Many of our clients with learning disabilities believe they will never be able to work. 

This could be because they need supervision for health reasons, they are slow learners, or they have short attention spans.

Work does not have to mean high profile job in finance or a doctor.  Work can be as little as 4 to 16 hours a week in such roles as housekeeping in a hotel, baking in a cafe or general maintenance for land work.

Many of our clients with learning disabilities are very capable of working with support designed and planned around their disability.

We believe that the best strategy to succeeding in paid employment, is to be prepared first. 

Forever Savvy has three vocational training centres offering a Work Savvy programme to learn and practice what is expected of a good employee. 

The skills we teach:

  • Understanding what is meant by work and how is differs from helping at home.

  • The importance of punctuality and communication.

  • The importance of dressing for the work you are doing.

  • The importance of asking for help if you don’t know something.

  • What breaks are.

  • Working to the timetable of the company.

  • Completing a quality job.

  • Using appropriate behaviour and language.

When work ready we will help and support you to find a job and attend interviews.

When you start your new job, our job coaches will work with your new employer to find out what your job is and then help you to learn the skills needed in the role.

A job coach employed and trained by Forever Savvy will continue to give extra help and support at your place of work for as long as needed.

We achieve this by working with Access to Work (ATW) 

Vocational training for adults with learning disabilities is an important aspect of helping them achieve independence and employment. Here are some key considerations for vocational training for adults with learning disabilities:

  1. Individualized Training: Adults with learning disabilities have unique challenges and abilities. Vocational training should be tailored to the individual's strengths and challenges to maximize their chances of success.

  2. Hands-on Learning: Hands-on learning is often more effective for adults with learning disabilities. They may benefit from practical training, such as internships or on-the-job training, as opposed to classroom-based instruction.

  3. Visual Aids: Adults with learning disabilities may benefit from visual aids such as pictures, videos, or diagrams to help them understand and remember complex concepts.

  4. Supportive Environment: A supportive environment with understanding instructors, accommodations, and assistive technology can help adults with learning disabilities feel comfortable and succeed in their vocational training.

  5. Realistic Expectations: It is important to set realistic expectations for adults with learning disabilities in vocational training. The training program should focus on building skills that will help them succeed in employment, rather than on achieving academic qualifications.

  6. Ongoing Support: Ongoing support, such as mentoring and coaching, can help adults with learning disabilities continue to develop their skills and succeed in employment.

Overall, vocational training for adults with learning disabilities should be individualized, hands-on, visually supported, and take place in a supportive environment, with realistic expectations and ongoing support.

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