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Aug 2013 - 3 Peaks Challenge

Amanda Phelps

26 Aug 2013

When Rob Phelps received a text in the October of 2012 about attempting the 3 biggest mountains in the UK in less than 24 hours,

A Surmountable Challenge

When Rob Phelps received a text in the October of 2012 about attempting the 3 biggest mountains in the UK in less than 24 hours, he didn’t take long to think about it “I was looking for a physical challenge at the time and it fitted the bill. It was also a fantastic opportunity to raise money for a worthwhile project.”

The three peaks challenge requires the participants to climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon within 24 hours. Covering a distance of 27 miles on foot and an additional 462 miles driving. Reaching a height of 4409 feet above sea level, this is a challenge not to be taken lightly.

Rob began training for the challenge in April “I intended to do all 3 of the mountains but that wasn’t possible. I attempted Snowdon by myself and it was a real eye opener. It was really hard going and I ended up at the wrong summit - Crib Goch!” Not one to give up Rob attempted Snowdon again 2 weeks later “this time it was much easier, the weather was fantastic and I went with two other members of the team, the views were superb.”

It wasn’t until June that Rob had his next practise walk, this time up Scafell Pike “This was the shortest walk but the most difficult to date! It was relentless! But the experience proved invaluable, it certainly provided a flavour of what was to come.” In between the walks Rob also implemented a training regime of cycling and body weight exercises, he found cycling was actually more similar than running to the mountain walks.Going up the night before and staying in a Hostel with the team, the walk began on the 21st June. They started with Ben Nevis in Scotland. “This was the easiest part of the challenge, it was much easier then expected.” From Ben Nevis they went on too Scafell pike and then Snowdon “The final mountain was definitely the hardest, it was the third mountain and we started it at 2am, the rain was lashing down and the wind was howling, we were all very fatigued.” “At no point in the challenge did I feel like giving in, if I had been by myself I probably would of waited for better weather to attempt Snowdon but with the support of the team I knew we could do it.” Rob managed to complete the challenge in 21 hours.

But would he do it again? “I wouldn’t do this challenge again for my own purposes, but would be willing to take part to support a friend or family member. I felt it was spot on we had a good hard working group, great drivers and great support. The whole thing was well planned. I’m now looking for my next challenge.”Rob raised just under £300 which primarily went to Forever Savvy. Rob would also like to thank Richard Hagger for organising the trip, Pete Dexter and the Hinckley Boys Brigade for the minibus, his Mum and Dad for having him, his wife for her continual support and to everyone who donated money.

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