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Feb 2020 - Shires Grant

Amanda Phelps

11 Feb 2020

Following a successful grant application, we have been able to create a much needed role within our organisation Forever savvy.

Shires Community Grant enables FLO

Following a successful grant application, we have been able to create a much needed role within our organisation Forever savvy.  This new role is responsible for many tasks including

  • Building relationships with parents/carers to understand the needs of the family unit in which the person with a disability lives.

  • Building relationships with Job Centre Disability Employment Advisor

  • Building relationships with local SEN schools

  • Building relationships with local social workers from Leicester County and City Councils

  • Providing support for parents/carers and person with disability when applying for or having reviews of benefits;

FLO The Family Liason Officer is also responsible for the PA Savvy service introduced last year.

Angie Stokes who has taken on this role after hanging up her thermals, trackies, hoodies and safety boots said.

" This is really exciting role and I am very much looking forward to developing it.  We have seen for a while there has been a need to help parents with issues they are struggling with and to get a better understanding of what we do to the schools and social workers.  Now we can do this properly and so much more"

Angie started this role at the beginning of the month and has already been busy attending events, working with parents and engaging social workers.

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